Dead Island 2 – PlayStation 5
A deadly virus is spreading across Los Angeles, California, turning its inhabitants into ravenous zombies. The city is in quarantine and the military have retreated. Bitten, infected, but more than just immune, you learn to harness the zombie inside. Only you, and the handful of other swaggering fellows who happen to be resistant to the pathogen, holds the future of LA (and humanity), in the balance. As you uncover the truth behind the outbreak you’ll discover who – or what – you are. Survive, evolve, save the world – just another day in LA! The much-loved zombie saga is back with a unique formula of horror, dark humor and over the top zombie-slaying, spanning an epic pulp adventure. Dead Island 2 is a thrilling First-Person Action RPG that takes players across a brand-new playground. Stylish, vibrant and flooded with zombie infection, explore iconic, gore-drenched Los Angeles. Meet larger-than-life characters. Slay countless foes in exquisitely bloody detail. And evolve to become the ultimate Zombie Slayer. See you in HELL-A!
SFG702 –
Amazing game, perfect follow up to the original game. Very replay-able and fun with friends!
spacecatbro –
Super fun zombie game. It is one of those games you can just turn your brain off and have fun! There is lore you can find around the locations if you like it. One of the things that I do hate is that zombies just spawn out random spots. They just don’t ever stop spawning at times, which becomes frustrating. Overall, it is a fun game.
RobertC –
The best item I have ever bought and the quality and when buying it online at the Best Buy store it was fast and safe delivery
MarinaS –
Didn’t like the first one tbh but I had a feeling I’d like this one 🙂 I had a lot of fun
jstock1412 –
People who know about this game, know that the development cycle was terrible for this game. Delays, Techland(developers of the original Dead Island) left this game in limbo to make “Dying Light”, only for Dambuster Studios to pick it up and finally bring it back from the dead (see what I did there?) But seriously, this game is more of the original game, made better. It runs smoothly, even during multiplayer (3 people at a time in a game). *NEW PLAYER BEWARE* Amy is hard mode in this game (I learned that the hard way), but dang, is it fun to slice and dice, or pummel zombie skulls, or beat them down and finish them off with a beautiful, gory head stomp! This game was in Limbo for years, and now its finally free, and it is so much fun!
MisterHappy –
If you liked the first one, you’ll love this one. Everything the original did well, this does better. The things it didn’t do very well, have mostly been improved.
Weapon system is easier to navigate. It’s more interesting and fun to upgrade weapons. Weapons seem more durable, the first seemed like an endless quest to stay armed.
Combat is more fluid , although still a tad clunky. It adds to the excitement. The curveballs are a great add and set up outstanding tactical choices with your load out.
This is the ultimate zombie beat up fun fest.
SiL3nC3r666 –
Its been like 15 yrs since the original & finally the sequel releases after been delayed for so many yrs Dead Island 2 is definitely worth your money im havig alot of fun playing it with friends i love that the game is based in my hometown in LA they nailed it on how LA is suppose to look graphics are insane